Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Before creating our game we went through a pre-production stage. During this stage we thought about what kind of game we would be making and the process of putting the game together. After establishing what kind of game we would be making we began drawing out the pieces that we would use to put our game together. Also known as Mod kit. While drawing my mod kit pieces I thought about the details that would go into the piece. Such as, nails, splintered wood, and build materials. I also added notes on the side of my sketches to explain why I went with certain design choices.

(Mod Kit sketches)

In our game design class we created a storyboard to show how our game would play. Where is the player going? What happens if they go left instead of right? What obstacles must the player face?

(Storyboard pg. 1)

In the bottom left of the image I thought about how my room would be set. I wanted to create an altar room that would feel enclosed and tight spaced to make the player feel suffocated and anxious.

(Storyboard pg. 2)

Friday, December 1, 2017

Teaser Storyboard

 To get an idea for my trailer I first thought about the story behind it.

After figuring out my story I went into the different elements of film to think about how my trailer would be shot. I also thought about the idea of using voice overs for the beginning of the trailer.
 This was my final rendition of my mock up storyboard. I took screenshots of my level and gameplay to get an idea of what clips I wanted to use.


Isometric sketches

A new year a new level design!! We are beginning to work on our gaming mechanics by creating isometric sketches of a weapon we might wa...