Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Making a Door Rotate

Things are picking up and I don't want to slow down so here is a quick tutorial on how to make rotating doors.

  • The first step is drag in a trigger box and create a collision for On Actor Begin Overlap node.

  • The next step is to create a sequence. The sequence allows the player to add multiple nodes to activate at the same time.
  • Dragging out from 0, Right+click and go to Add Timeline
  • Dragging out from 1, Right+click and go to Play Sound 2D
(You can add a DoOnce if you want an action to happen once)
Inside Timeline
  • Double click your timeline and create a Float (f+)
Pro Tip: Don't forget to name your assets. Ex. Door_ANIM
(Key Frame 1)
  • To create a Key Frame, shift+right click. In the first key frame put Time: 0.0 Value: 180.0

(Key Frame 2)
  • Create another key frame and adjust the time to desired value depending on the speed. Time: 1.0 Value: 90.0

 You're almost there!

  • The next step is to select your rotating object and drag from the timeline's Update. Right click and add a Set Actor Rotation node. Once you have created that node a reference node will be created automatically.
  • Dragging from the Door_ANIM (the float you created) right click and create a Make Rotator.
(Be sure to attach the ANIM to Z)

  • The final step is to drag the return value to New Rotation

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