Thursday, February 8, 2018

Weapon Pre-Pro: Concept art

In the process of making my weapon I thought about the overall silhouette. Some of the silhouettes have extruding parts to break up the overall box shape.
One design for my weapon concept involved  two weapons in one. The weapon would rotate on a center with two different functions. In my concept I took apart my weapon and thought about how my weapon would function and how it would be powered
Weapon mechanics

Mika and the Crystal Wand: Level Design

Mika and the Crystal Wand follows a young child who goes to look for his missing friend. As he searches for his friend he stumbles across an old ruin and recovers his friends notes about an old legend about the crystal wand of life. When in the wrong hands, the wand can destroy everything in sight. Inside the ruin lies the Lich. An undead immortal who has come out of hiding to take the Crystal wand and take over the land.

Game Level

After coming up with my game assets I began working on my level design. I wanted some of the rooms to be rectangular just to present certain elements in my game. Such as the introduction of the spirit guide  and the players weapon; a magic wand. I chose wands to get away from the traditional sword and shield.
Main Hall

The player starts off by entering the main hall and encountering the spirit of their missing friend. The spirit tags along with the player and gives hints to the player about gameplay mechanics.
(Top to bottom) Altar room, first enemy encounter
After the player meets their spirit guide they find there way to the altar room. The altar room introduce the player to the first puzzle. What the player must do is light the torches in a certain order to activate the secret stair case. Upon entering the room the learn of their first enemy and the use of health potions.
New enemy encounter

In the next puzzle room the player encounters a new enemy. This enemy shoots fire at the player. The encounter with this new enemy introduces a new attack which brightens the room and blinds the enemy. Once the enemy is blinded they are vulnerable to damage.

(Top to bottom) New enemy, More enemies, treasure chest

Ritual room
In the final room the player encounters the Lich in the middle of a barrier ritual. The barrier itself is disabling the Lich from leaving the castle.

(Left to right) The Lich, Ghouls or The Possessed Ones
After getting a front view of my enemies I thought about there top down view. The minor enemies are interesting because they have protruding parts coming out of there bodies which gives them an interesting silhouette.

Game Hud
Game hud ideas

My game hud is fairly simple. I combined the huds on the left and right to create the hud I had in mind. I wand to show the player's health, the wand magic, and the special the player is able to use.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Mika and the Crystal Wand

Mika and the Crystal Wand follows a young child who goes to look for his missing friend. As he searches for his friend he stumbles across an old ruin and recovers his friends notes about an old legend about the crystal wand of life. When in the wrong hands, the wand can destroy everything in sight. Inside the ruin lies the Lich. An undead immortal who has come out of hiding to take the Crystal wand and take over the land.

Props and Assets
After thinking about my my location I thought about how I would set dress the level. So I put together a small set of props that would be in my level. 
Magic Weapons

The initial idea for coming up with Mika was a mix of Adventure Time and Earthbound. I wanted to go with bright colors to contrast with the dark colors (Good v.s. Evil) The little blue orb is the spirit of his friend who was unfortunately killed by the Lich.

The Lich
To give make the Lich look menacing I added long curved horns, a tattered cape, and glowing green eyes. Instead of a grotesque face I used a deer skull to make him more interesting.

Enemy variants
For the enemy variants I thought about what would make the enemies terrifying. So questions I kept in mind were:
  • What are they?
  • What abilities do they have?
  • Do they use swords and shields?
  • Do they use magic?

With these questions in mind I was able to create different creatures with different abilities. For example, the variant with black horns is a charger who rams into the player like a bull.


Isometric sketches

A new year a new level design!! We are beginning to work on our gaming mechanics by creating isometric sketches of a weapon we might wa...