Monday, March 19, 2018

Battle Arena Pre Production

We are now moving into the battle arena pre production phase. The first step in pre production is to create level boards of different level ideas and talk about how our level would function and different hazards or obstacles that would be present in our level.

Level Boards

My first level idea was Shape Shifter. There wouldn't be much in the level except the stage moving and changing shape over time. There are two buttons that can activate the stage shifting but there is a delay before the button can be activated again.

Shape Shifter

My second level idea is Banana Bonanza. This level features elevation and a few turrets. The layout of this level would allow players to keep moving and plan out there next move.
Banana Bonanza

The turrets around the level would shoot bananas onto the platform to cause the player to wipe out. The would not be any damage taken but another player can attack them.
V.O. and turrets
My final level idea is Space Race 57'. This level features a laser beam and meteors. The layout of the level is fairly simple and keeps the player alert of there surroundings and other players.

The satellite laser beam is auto activated to lock on to random areas of the surface. However, the beam can be activate by a player and fire at the center of the level. The player would be teleported into a safe room while the laser goes off. Then the side hatch would open and let the player go free.
The laser beam can be seen charging up in the background so the player can prepare for the beam.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Projectiles and LineTrace

After modeling our weapon and vehicle, we are now working on making our weapons function. To begin this process we learned about projectiles and the LineTrace node

Using line trace
The LineTrace node allows me to perform a trace collision over certain objects and return the object back. The important parts about setting up the LineTrace are getting the WorldLocation, WorldRotation, and the ForwardVector.

LineTrace in action

The end result is a tracer that returns the collision back to the player. The next step was putting together a projectile. Putting in the projectile was fairly simple because I used a SpawnActor blueprint node.

My projectile
The main components that make up my projectile is a simple static mesh and a Projectile Movement. Using projectile movement allows me to set the distance, direction,  and rate my static mesh travels.

On the right side is a details panel. The details panel allows me to adjust the projectile anyway I see fit. I can adjust how far my projectile travels or how much gravity affects the projectile's air time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Stinger X

This is my final vehicle model called the Stinger X.

Three quarter view

Side View
Front view

Back View

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Mika and the Crystal Wand

Mika and the Crystal Wand

While playing through my game you will notice the different rooms that I have set up that hold different enemies and items for the player to discover. My game also features a puzzle gating mechanism that requires the player to activate statues.

In the first room the player learns of his friends whereabouts and sets out to find his missing friend, Ika. The player is soon after accompanied by a spirit who doesn't remember his name. In the level the player is guided by the spirit until the player is able to fend for themselves


Isometric sketches

A new year a new level design!! We are beginning to work on our gaming mechanics by creating isometric sketches of a weapon we might wa...