Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Making a tree Pt. 1

I started working on my second hardest prop which is a tree. The tree seemed to be difficult at first but after learning simple methods it was easy.
(Tree base)
To start my tree I created a cylinder inside of Maya and applied edge loops to bend the tree's shape. Afterwards I exported the base into an OBJ so that I could import it into ZBrush

(First tree attempt.)
Wasting three days of my time I imported my tree base. To get the branches I pulled parts of the clay out using the Move Topological tool.

(ZSphere tree base)
While in class I learned there was an easier way to create my tree; ZSphere. ZSphere allowed me to create the base of my tree and make the limbs more natural and fluid.

Tools I Used
(Move Topological)


Here's a helpful link to get started😃:

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