Monday, September 25, 2017


Exploration Game: Brainstorming

The exploration games I've played have many unique and interesting qualities that separate them from other video games.

Successful attributes:
  • Experience
  • Unique gating mechanisms
  • Puzzles
  • Jumpscares
  • Use of historic timelines
  • High rises
  • Wildlife
  • Technology
  • Going beyond reality/ Sci-fi
There were some instances in the game that made little to no since at all. Some things that could be better would include:

  • Proper objectives
  • TOO many traps
  • Gating keys

After brainstorming I started creating my map with a simple level layout with a few rooms and a different setting. I who would be in the hut and why. Were they kidnapped? Did they wonder into an old hut and get trapped inside? 

After receiving feedback I changed up my level size and kept the same location. There were more rooms that were needed so I crossed out all unnecessary pathways and rooms.

My next step was to map out the player's movements. Where would the player go? What happens if they go right instead of left? What if they go to the exit before finding a way out?

This is the draft with a few notes that would give me more insight to my game level as I tried to tie in my story with all the notes that I received from feedback.

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