Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Before creating our game we went through a pre-production stage. During this stage we thought about what kind of game we would be making and the process of putting the game together. After establishing what kind of game we would be making we began drawing out the pieces that we would use to put our game together. Also known as Mod kit. While drawing my mod kit pieces I thought about the details that would go into the piece. Such as, nails, splintered wood, and build materials. I also added notes on the side of my sketches to explain why I went with certain design choices.

(Mod Kit sketches)

In our game design class we created a storyboard to show how our game would play. Where is the player going? What happens if they go left instead of right? What obstacles must the player face?

(Storyboard pg. 1)

In the bottom left of the image I thought about how my room would be set. I wanted to create an altar room that would feel enclosed and tight spaced to make the player feel suffocated and anxious.

(Storyboard pg. 2)

Friday, December 1, 2017

Teaser Storyboard

 To get an idea for my trailer I first thought about the story behind it.

After figuring out my story I went into the different elements of film to think about how my trailer would be shot. I also thought about the idea of using voice overs for the beginning of the trailer.
 This was my final rendition of my mock up storyboard. I took screenshots of my level and gameplay to get an idea of what clips I wanted to use.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Night Prowler

The Night Prowler was my 3D model that I made during my freshmen year. I had a few difficulties trying to find an interesting position that would make my creature interesting and prevent the clay from cracking during the baking process.

(Concept art)
The original name for my creature was Sprygon. Around the final production of my model I changed the name to better suit the creature. One MAJOR mistake I made was not integrating the base into the final product which is very off putting.

Making a Door Rotate

Things are picking up and I don't want to slow down so here is a quick tutorial on how to make rotating doors.

  • The first step is drag in a trigger box and create a collision for On Actor Begin Overlap node.

  • The next step is to create a sequence. The sequence allows the player to add multiple nodes to activate at the same time.
  • Dragging out from 0, Right+click and go to Add Timeline
  • Dragging out from 1, Right+click and go to Play Sound 2D
(You can add a DoOnce if you want an action to happen once)
Inside Timeline
  • Double click your timeline and create a Float (f+)
Pro Tip: Don't forget to name your assets. Ex. Door_ANIM
(Key Frame 1)
  • To create a Key Frame, shift+right click. In the first key frame put Time: 0.0 Value: 180.0

(Key Frame 2)
  • Create another key frame and adjust the time to desired value depending on the speed. Time: 1.0 Value: 90.0

 You're almost there!

  • The next step is to select your rotating object and drag from the timeline's Update. Right click and add a Set Actor Rotation node. Once you have created that node a reference node will be created automatically.
  • Dragging from the Door_ANIM (the float you created) right click and create a Make Rotator.
(Be sure to attach the ANIM to Z)

  • The final step is to drag the return value to New Rotation

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Teaser Trailer

The following teaser I've decided to use is Outlast II. The reason I decided to use this teaser is because of the voice over being used. As the narrator is talking the viewer can see what appears to be a burning cross as the camera zooms out. As the narration continues and becomes more violent the camera pans upwards to show and upside down cross burning in a field.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Sound Effects

I am now at the stage of implementing sound effects into my game. I was able to find a few royalty free websites but some of them require you to be a paying customer or make an account before you download the audio. Fortunately there are a few websites that I can use with the use of my Ringling account.

Killer Trackshttps://www.killertracks.com/

Sound Libraryhttp://home.ringling.edu/index.php?id=3645&ext=

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Making a tree Pt. 1

I started working on my second hardest prop which is a tree. The tree seemed to be difficult at first but after learning simple methods it was easy.
(Tree base)
To start my tree I created a cylinder inside of Maya and applied edge loops to bend the tree's shape. Afterwards I exported the base into an OBJ so that I could import it into ZBrush

(First tree attempt.)
Wasting three days of my time I imported my tree base. To get the branches I pulled parts of the clay out using the Move Topological tool.

(ZSphere tree base)
While in class I learned there was an easier way to create my tree; ZSphere. ZSphere allowed me to create the base of my tree and make the limbs more natural and fluid.

Tools I Used
(Move Topological)


Here's a helpful link to get started😃: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIoIdt54wF8

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

WIP Props

I was given three props to complete for our game level. The three props that I have chosen are an old picture frame, a tree, and shrunken head.


Design 1
Design 2
To start off the shrunken head I created a base to apply objects over the mouth and eyes. I didn't want the same shrunken head so I started playing around with the placement of the thread.

Level Process

After a month of crying and lack of sleep my grey box is almost a fully functional level. The game is set indoors and, but the balcony was used to give the player something to see outside of the window.

The final level design was decided based on dialogue and the needed requirements

Top-down view of the level

Top-down view of the length of my level

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


In 2010 E3 released the trailer for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.  The trailer featured different elements of gameplay and dynamic camera angles that would entice viewers and gamers to buy the game. As the trailer begins a date and location flashes in to inform the viewer of where the game is taking place. The date fades out into white as a map of Rome is shown to give the view an idea of the location's setting. The camera focus on the center of the map where the trailer's event takes place.

One notable camera affect that takes place during the trailer is the use of panning and slow motion. As the viewer is shown the antagonist of the previous assassin's creed game, the camera slowly pans over to another character who is unknown and the camera plays in slow motion to give a hint to the viewer.

Cesare Bogia
At the end of the trailer the viewer can see that Ezio, the protagonist, is outnumbered but is soon joined by other assassins as the camera zooms out behind him. The two sides run towards each other as Ezio leaps in the are in slow motion and the title flashes in.

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood E3 Trailer [North America]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzNs4-kRLaE

Monday, September 25, 2017


Exploration Game: Brainstorming

The exploration games I've played have many unique and interesting qualities that separate them from other video games.

Successful attributes:
  • Experience
  • Unique gating mechanisms
  • Puzzles
  • Jumpscares
  • Use of historic timelines
  • High rises
  • Wildlife
  • Technology
  • Going beyond reality/ Sci-fi
There were some instances in the game that made little to no since at all. Some things that could be better would include:

  • Proper objectives
  • TOO many traps
  • Gating keys

After brainstorming I started creating my map with a simple level layout with a few rooms and a different setting. I who would be in the hut and why. Were they kidnapped? Did they wonder into an old hut and get trapped inside? 

After receiving feedback I changed up my level size and kept the same location. There were more rooms that were needed so I crossed out all unnecessary pathways and rooms.

My next step was to map out the player's movements. Where would the player go? What happens if they go right instead of left? What if they go to the exit before finding a way out?

This is the draft with a few notes that would give me more insight to my game level as I tried to tie in my story with all the notes that I received from feedback.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017


Custom costume for Captain Marvel

Perspective view

I wanted to draw out the level entrance to get a feel for drawing in a different perspective instead of a top-down view of the map.

[I would appreciate the critique so that I am able to improve my skills.]

Monday, September 4, 2017

Vector Map

Level Design Map

Doom -Knee-Deep in the Dead-  Nuclear Plant
If you would like to play and use this map here's a link to the game down below:



Level design

Doom takes place on Phobos, one of Mar's moons. The players play as Doomguy who must fight his way through undead and demons to escape. The level design for Doom forces the player to search for items by blocking pathways with doors that require key cards. Different levels also feature elevators and secrete door ways for that the player must find on their own by exploring.

There was an elevator that lead to a shotgun

I found a mini-gun 😈

The different buildings the player must go through

Sunday, September 3, 2017


A draft of my level map for Doom

I wanted to take the time and draft out the level as I played through the game. I've noticed the use of elevators adds on to the secrets and hidden passage ways within the game.


Isometric sketches

A new year a new level design!! We are beginning to work on our gaming mechanics by creating isometric sketches of a weapon we might wa...